wtb:Radar detector cable

i am looking for a radar detector cable for the cigarette port for my car if anyone has one please let me kno ill buy it off you today its a cobra 12 band ill put up a couple pics that may help let me kno what you got thanks:thumbup


Dude it looks like you are currently using the Radioshack universal 2 pin adapter. Just get the cigarette lighter end for it, they should sell them at Radioshack

dont even bother hooking that radar detector up they dont work worth shit

yeah they arent that great but yeah i have the end that plugs into the actual radar and cut it to hard wire it to the rx7 but i dont wanna hardwire it into this car so idk i didnt wanna go buy the 25 dollar one from best buy thats on it now… how much is it at radioshack?

Probably the same IDK

allright man thanks

Id say get a phone wire and hardwire it using that but your radar is gay and uses a different connector

His connector is more standard than a phone connector. 99% chance I have everything to build the cord for him, I just don’t have the time. Sorry dude :frowning:

go to walmart and find the cheapest thing with a male (cigarette end) and hook it up to your shit…walmart usually has a discount section with all kinds of crap

Yes, hence why it is gay. :slight_smile:

hah its all good man

i have both sides of the cords but every friggen time i put the two seperate wires together tape them up it never works so im just gunna buy another one


try switching the two wires around…polarity is amazing in dc circuits

what do you mean?? its a red wire and green wire

green ground (-) red shud be hot (12v+)

alright i might just try and hardwire it tomorrow might have better luck

at least put it on a toggle switch…i cant tell you how many times im sitting at a red lite and x band is screaming at me…you will get annoyed and wish u had…plus overnites in the winter it kills yes batt

shit thats a mad good idea actually i have a couple switches layin around i have to hook a power wire to the switch then hook up a groud too right? how did u do it

mines still got the plug in but i had my old one on a toggle… pos + from battery (fuse inline) to switch then to the detector…ground straight to battery …best advice and take it with a grain of salt…they dont work…think about this by the time he’s shot you with laser and your detector picks it up he already has a # on his screen of how fast you are going…ask almost everyone on here they will tell you…sure ive got one in my truck but its just to know where they are so i dont do anything stupid

nah i dont speed much its for a truck 100% legal just a beter safe than sorry type thing ya kno