Radar detector issue... power port is hammered.. options?

This is the radar detector on the bike… ill buy a v1 eventually… just not willing to have it stolen, nor do i have the cash to drop on one as of now… this one has worked well until recently. ANYWAY… every bump i hit causes the radar detector to turn off and then on… I assume that its because the contacts in the charge port have worn down. Id like to have to wires soldered in so i can just permanently hardwire this into my bike… i will actually most likely attempt this in the next 20 minutes. Anybody on here willing to fix it when i fail and remove the port from the detector?


http://www.brighthand.com/assets/4910.jpg the port looks similar to the one on the left


Simple enough, if you want to swing by I can probably have it done in a few minutes tomarrow after work.

I can help you out. Let me know if you need it done. I should be home all day today.

i did it myself lol… it aint pretty… but functionality is better than pretty…

EDIT… covers went back on nicely… shitz hot yo…

thanks for the offers to help