Needed: Legit Vag-Com cable.

Anyone have a Ross-Tech Vag-Com cable? Need to flash a tune to the Porsche, so I need one of these. I don’t know/think any of the non-legit cables will work, but I’m willing to try if I can’t find a Ross-Tech.

I have a non-legit cable. If you decide you want to give it a try…let me know.

Thanks man, but one of my buddies messaged me on FB as he has a legit one. If that doesn’t work out, I’ll get a hold of you

I have the one here tony told me to buy for this car chris.

Phone was dead and on the charger in the car. Was up till 6am this morning working on these widebody molds son :slight_smile:

You have a PM incoming. If I sound excited, it’s because I’m writing it with an erection.

:rofl yeah he game me a link to buy a POS cable and I got it here, but he did say not to use the software with it and needed to send a link to the loader program he used. I got your text saying you have the tune but did you get the program as well?