Anybody have a cable i can borrow for ~ 20 minutes? need to recode the RNS-E in the a4… only need it for ~ 25 minutes

Get one from ebay, I’m sure you will need it with the new car. They are like $20 for the bootleg ones and they work fine. I have one but I’m in Syracuse, otherwise you could borrow it.

the bootleg ones don’t do can diagnostics … Need a Ross-tech one

Upside: Got one, you can have it
Downside: I’m in Crotchfester

there is a VAG-COM thread on dubsinthebuff, its a listing of everyone that has one. post in it and i’m sure someone reply.

I got your PM sorry i haven’t responded just closed on a house and moved been CRAZY

but if you want to swing by the new house (north Buff, Near UB south) im here ALOT and bring the car by or if its not moving barrow the cable.

the only time i wont be here is tomorrow 3pm-10pm as i work, thursday/friday im off and will be here.