which is why god invented online check-in
buy yourself a couple cocktails on the connecting flights, and be glad that you aren’t in buffalo.
Yea, but they still have to scan u at the gate. If you don’t get on the 1st flight; the rest of the trip becomes void… it sucks.
So what if he were to go to SAN a half hour after the first flight takes off and say he “missed” it and needs to get to hawaii
they would probably work with him… I would call the airline and explain what he has found and see what they are willing to do… you would think that they would prefer the open seats that they can sell.
This was my thought as well…
damn it
take the train from san to lax, its like 25bucks or something, then take a cab fromt he train station tot he airport, get there and tell them u just sepnnd $200 on a cab to make this flight
checking intot he flight at SD is no issue, u check in 24hrs b4 u fly, that doesnt mean something cant “come up” and you miss your flight
“I got stuck in the airport shitter for 4 hours”
i like it that way better
Hawaiian airlines cut their prices trying to fill a few flights. So I managed to pick up a DIRECT flight from San Diego to Honolulu for $200. Thank god I waited. The only shitty thing is that I have to leave a bit earlier than I wanted to, but w/e.
Can’t beat that. Not to mention flying out of SAN is a cakewalk compared to LAX. I’ve showed up half an hour before departure and breezed right through.
Good to know. :tup:
The flight is at 9:35am, so I don’t want to have to wake up too early to get there.