I saw one of these today!!!

Today I was driving southbound on Highway E75 from the city of Thessalonika to Athens and I saw a Lamborghini LM002 !!!

I have never ever seen one of these things in person, I have only seen them in magazines, tv and internet… Yeah it was an exciting 10 minutes of driving beside it and behind it and then the guy exited…I think I was making him nervous…

Cool vehicle, a little ugly but it’s still a lambo!


ewwww…pretty fuckin rare tho

looks like they just copied the hummer and threw the lambo heart into it

i actually saw one of these like a year ago in Thornhill, it was a black LM002…cool cars.

Ya because the Lamborghini didn’t come out first…

I love it!.. i wish lamborghini would make another… would be so cool

I like em… hood has alil too much going on but overall I like.

Looks like they have them in Iraq… and blowing them up

Who the hell wouldn’t want their truck/suv to sound like this…

a european hummer…cool

What a piece of cake it would be to make a replica of that…

But who really would? worthless without the real drivetrain.

Kinda looks like something Jeremy Clarkson would make if he actually took some time to do it

Cool, you saw one? I’ve only seen them in the media! Only if this computer had a soundcard, I’d be able to hear how it sounded. lol Maybe another time…

heh i saw an actual original hummer on the road (*(#@ huge) a few days ago

I saw one of those in Japan… you can’t even imagine how out of place it looks like on those tiny Japanese streets, LOL
I think the width of that tire is the width of a lane, haha
Speaking of which, the size of those tires were specifically made for that car.

hand one at work… was the biggest POS ever… it was funny every time you come to a stop it would rock back and fourth because of the gear lash… would go through two full tanks of gas in no time (it has two tanks fyi). Maintenance costs a fortune. But damn does it feel good knowing you can run over the clowns in front of you without a scratch.

Actually the Lambo LM002 came out before Hummer. If anything Hummer copied Lambo.

Yeah that’s one thing I forgot to mention is that it sounded sweeeeeeeet!!!

Their working on it!

Lamborghini says the company’s plans to build a new SUV. If it does exist some day, the successor to the LM002 “Rambo” Lambo likely won’t be quite as insane as the original V12-powered, Shiek-baiting supertruck. In fact, most think it’ll be based on the Porsche Cayenne/Audi Q7/VW Touareg platform, though powered by a V10 and designed to look much more like the Gallardo. Something, perhaps, like this rendering of a prospective Lagartijo LM005 by Italian artist Andrea Rosati, featured in InfoMotori. Lagartijo, for the Spanish-challenged, means both “lizard” and, in Mexico, a “sharp dresser,” a construction that’s pitch perfect for a Lambo SUV. Then again, maybe we’re better off not knowing.

^^^Personally guys I think since Audi now owns Lambo, if they come out with another Lambo SUV it will be a raised 4 door R8 type of thing with the lambo 5.2 V10 from the Gallardo and an off road suspension.