I see that Pittspeed has chosen new moderators

I see that I am not on that list.


great choice in new MODS even better choice in not using you

:rofl: thats what you think. Just because my name isnt on the list doesnt mean I’m not a new mod. I’m just pissed that my name wasn’t mentioned. Like I’m Pittspeed’s dirty little secret or something.

Show previous girlfriend nudes

you dont want to see the previous g/f’s nudes. And I’ve posted topless pics of the current g/f. What more can I do for you people?

russians :naughty:


I haven’t seen.

sucks 2 b u!

I dont see why I should post nudes of the Russians, when this site doesnt even feel compelled to mention my ascension to moderatorship in its announcement. Even after my hard-fought public election campaign. I feel really unappreciated right now. :frowning:

I’m still waiting for pictures of Little Kim.

in the Ocelot

ehhh that chick was nasty

he was talking about the driver of the ocelot

Correct. unless thats her after a shower

oh. I see. :hsugh:

those are the perkiest boobies ever

My g.f is shocked by your rude comment!