I see that Pittspeed has chosen new moderators

Darkstar should be running shit.
Or maybe Zexlude
mod fags

good to see you’re still alive.

teh Frizza for mod

hey chad how are you?
wheres kolar?

he’s dating some new guy now. you broke his heart.

1320 has aids
darkstars still fat
you drive a mustang
nothings changed

but i love you all

and you rock the yuppy mobile

not anymore
my wife just had Triplets
so now with 3 babies we are now rocking the minivan

thats alot of babies at once!

complete shock to me
its the best though

lots of practice to make 3 at 1 time

i practiced on ur mom
j/k buddy


Chad has a mancrush

wow… congrats on the trips frizza!


Frizza and Kolar = myspace friends forever

I’ll show you who will be crying when your bitch ass comes down to the beach.



Frizza da Jizza in the hizza!

…if you could manage to break through the crowd of women surrounding thine self, probly wouldnt even grab ass you gaping homosensual