i still type in www.son240sx.ca in the web browser every time i come here

yep thats right. every time.

oh im alone in this wooorrrrrrrlllllldddddd…

I do that whenever I try and come on from another computer, but I have it bookmarked on my own computer!

Try bookmarking.

yea i bookmarked the son240sx.ca and i’m just too lazy to change it.

i type it , it seems faster

Set your shortcut to

Problem solved

Jesse, that’s because you’re an idiot.

i still do it everytime im at another computer…everythings bookmarked on firefox so i dont need to ever think

jesse, what side skirts are those?

bing’s 180sx ^^

Jessy that is becasue as much as I love you I think you are still a little ratarted from all the fumes you have sniffed