I think I have a drinking problem....

My friend just came to take all my bottles back.

His back seat is full as well. lol

at least it’s not regular pepsi :tup:

I hope you own stock in pepsico. :stuck_out_tongue:

How long of a time frame to get that stash? That will definetly determine your addiction level lol

can we get a picture of your teeth?

^ lol.

Fortunately, they are in great condition.

6 months.

Ever hear of plastic bags? :smiley:

He loaded the car and threw the bags out. I guess he thought they fit better that way.

a few summers ago me and one of my friends went to take back a friends beer cans…we both got 70$ thats day…

just like my grandparents lol

Only problem I see is a lack of beer.

since when was there ever sugar in diet pepsi?


and i drink 10 of those a week,



I think im close :rofl:

I go through a lot more than that. This doesn’t include what I go through at work. That is a late 80’s full sized Olds trunk there too. lol

Soda is extremely acidic. It isn’t just the sugar that gets your teeth. I’d be surprised if the sugar does even close to the damage the acid does.

Make the drive to MI
10 cents a pop

Kramer style :tup:

LOL we had a stack in my APT of beer bottles… We took them back it was 1080 - $54

I think my friend is still at Tops. lol I’ll get the total later. He doesn’t have a job so I help him out with things like this.

HAHAH thats awesome. I think tops has a limit though so we went to consumers lol