Drinkers Step In/How Often You Drink

When I say how often do you drink, I mean how many times a week do you get drunk?

Im probably gonna cool down once school starts, but I have been getting drunk 5 days a week on average this summer dispite staring a new kinda important job. Problem is im only 20. Im wondering if I should cool down as I make a step towards alcoholism or if its just a phase.

Im just wondering whats an average weekly intoxication number for you old men?

I’m really over these polls.

4 nights when i would drink… now I don’t drink. Its prefered

i used to drink a lot and get drunk at least every weekend… god that was so stupid. I dont even remember the last time i was drunk. I rarely drink anymore… no point

If drinkers are stepping in, why is 0 an option?

Anywho, it used to be 3-4 times a week. Lately it’s been Friday/Sat only, and I don’t get as slammered anymore, but I still go out for the social ventures.

I used to be a HUGE drinker, but don’t care for it much these days. I like sipping on a Guinness or a whiskey and water but that’s about the extent of it.

I get drunk ‘maybe’ once every few months. Had a problem where when I drank, I’d blackout then would get the “you were out of control last night…” speech from friends and shit. Not that I did it THAT often, but it happened every time I drank lol

No more broken bones = sober

drink to drink?
drink to get drunk?

Yeah, im increasingly experiencing that lately

To get drunk!

oh. then maybe a couple times a year.

Hate to break it to you, but you’re not stepping towards it you’re waist deep in it.

Two nights out of Wed Thurs Fri and Sat each week. Which two varies.

He’s inches from drowning.

Your life…say goodbye to it.

I drink 3 maybe 4 nights a week sometimes (wine or beer with dinner), but I haven’t been “drunk” in a really long time.

Anyways, I think I drink more than I should more often than I should, but I don’t get drunk every week.

Oh…people who can control how much they drink…thats a change from most of the people I know…

Clearly indicated by your title…




i drink b/c its cold

lol :clap:


Your brain however, has been on vacation way too long. Step away from the booze.