I want a Land Rover Discovery

Yeah I was sort of figuring that they were crazy to maintain and operating costs were ridiculous. I have always thought they were sweet looking and I am getting a little tired of the Explorer…I have had it for almost a year and thats way too long for me :slight_smile:


get a 4 Runner.

I really should just pony up the cash and get a TB SS…but I really love not having a car payment.

:word: do that. look at chuck, he got a pretty pimp one for a good price. if you can wsing a decent down payment then your payments wont be dick. :gotme:

I could probably do 4 g down…but having zero car payment > *

hey i agree with ya there. so if thats the case STFU and just drive the exploder and focus on assets that dont depreciate :slight_smile:

Uh, no. You want to sell this car in a year right ? Since you are so good at doing that.

Yeah, how’s it feel to loose like 10K on a car in a year? Oh wait - I think you know already lol…
