I, want it, that way.


For this, I ashame of chinese people.

But it’s funny. :slight_smile:

You know why? Cause I can hear them singing it in the FOB-by engarish


Good Find! Thats awesome. I dont understand why humans do some of the stupid shit that they do.

i was waiting for the guy behind them to turn around and punch them for acting like idiots

LOL same here hahaha

i thought he was going to jump in at some point. it was a serious let down that he didnt.

WOW, i have seen more videos of asian kids singing/dancing like idiots than porn on the internet i swear

im either at home with slow comp, but speakers, or at school with fast comp, but no speakers…needless to say im at school now lol.


They are famous (sort of) because of that.
I saw them on Good Morning America yesterday morning.

yeah, i would have died if he just busted in as some sort of finale.

He was obviously too busy playing CS or some other FPS :lol:

Don’t be ashamed of chinese people. Some white guys created the crappy music in the first place.

the other one, with that other song, was much better… too bad I can’t remmember what song it was now.

there were like 5 dudes tho

hahaha… ive seen this before but its still great. you got to wonder what the kid on the computer was thinking O_o


wow. that is gay.

Someone find the other vid with the 4-5 guys in it.


I saw this on the today show yesterday lol