i want my helmet airbrushed

looking for a good artist
general style is not so important, as i have more than a few diffeent ideas i could go with.

anyone know someone who could help me?

I got mine done with vynl, the guy who did it also airbrushes. it came out pretty badass and most people think its airbrush! His name is Jeff, and he can be reached at 412.215.6744




I had no idea that Jeff airbrushed too! That’s fucking awesome because Mike and I both want new helmets airbrushed. I’m picking up stuff tonight I’ll ask him about it!

1 of my good friends from high school went to school for graphics and does it full time and is amazing with a air brush pm me if u wanna more info

my buddy airbrushes like a motherfucker…

number? Apparently Jeff can’t do the airbrushing right now.

i painted mine myself, didn’t put that much effort into it, but it looks pretty good for spending 10 minutes on it.




my boy mike went 2 school for many years for airbrushing, let me see if i can get him so post some of his artwork, he is the sickest around…

here is a few pics 4129992933

not bad
im tight on cash right now
maybe ill beable to call him soon

and no i dont think im gonna paint a $500 helmet with a stencil…

ha ha, well your SOL then, because most air brushings are done with stencils

i wouldnt mind getting my “helmet” “airbrushed”.


did you do this or is this guy local???

I did not do this but the kid at my shop (finleyville) did it, truely every thing he does it just keeps getting sick and sicker.

everyone one of those pics are free hand!!!

mike > everyone elses stuff

trust me mikes a good friend and an amazing with a airbrush. the bikes he did didnt win at world of wheels for nothing. also joe should have posted the pic of mikes engine bay or even the iron maiden stuff he did. go to him if you want quality custom work.

ps. all his shit is def. freehand just for the record:love:


local guy, does nice work

it will not be cheap

and theres no sharp edges either, the only way to get a sharp edge is to tape/stencil. Stencils aren’t a bad thing, they’re just part of how you airbrush.

This Mike person,

You are saying he does do airbrushing for hire? If so I nee dto get incontact with him. Is that his number up above? Is he freelance or does he have a “buisness”?

If you guys can send me his contact info I will more than likly use him if he can do what I need.
