Who does airbrushing? Or can recommend someone?

So the s2k is all done, comes out of the body shop today and i had a pretty cool idea. I want to get my buddy something to hang in his shop for helping me out with my build and doing all the welding. So i had the idea of airbrushing the origional, slightly twisted, paint scratched hood that came on my car and having my car in it’s current state and condition airbrushed onto the hood. Then have Variant Fabrications airbrushed on the top of the hood. I think it would look pretty cool hanging on the wall.

So who does airbrushing? Or who knows someone they can recommend?



ballard art studio at exit 16 off northway, redid my old bike


spiderman? really?

no wonder the cops fuck with ya…

Who is Julio?

Hes been around the car sceen for like 15 years…used to have a teal DA…and then a red DA with clowns and uzzis on the hood…believe hes good buddys with Arod…has a shop next to ours in clifton park…im sure someone has seen his work…if you are interested i can get him contact info for you


:rofl fucking spiderman

:rofl :rofl :rofl


julio did the airbrushing on my co2 tank enclosure of the audi. I will pm you the number of the shop he works ats.

You know what, i think i hvae seen his work. He’s done a few enclosures for precision mobiel, right?


. his work is awesome.


I member both those cars. Not my taste, but very well done.

julios stuff is usally over the top but ive seen numerous cars and bikes he has done and they are amazing

sorry, lady at exit 16 looks like she does way better work but w.e

Nah… she doesn’t

that link you posted shows plain work… nothing special whatsoever. IDC if you like Spiderman or not, the job was done good.

Define plain work?