I want to start shooting videos

Its a long story man, but ill try to simplify… I was born in gloversville NY, when i was in 3rd grade my parents made the choice to move to panama city beach, fl.:slight_smile: I grew up there and went thru school there, it was amazing growing up in a tourist city in FL! well after highschool i was working at a burgerking there for damn near pennies… and my parents were telling me how my grandparents were really getting sicker and older, and my parents decided it would be best to come back and help them seeing as my grandma is having black outs and falls down, and my grandpa is now being put on oxygen, they need help with day to day things you know… and i was all for moving here with my parents because i did want change and to meet new people, and also my with my BK job it wouldnt be easy to live alone… so i thought it over and said what the hell, I sold the vehicles i had there, packed all my stuff, and we moved back not long after my 19th bday… I get here and now life isnt as great as i thought it would be, I dont mind the area, i like small lil johnstown and i love spending my weekends in albany and saratoga, but the one thing i have yet to adjust to is making friends… i have a hard time meeting and making new friends to hang out with on weekends lol… ive been here almost 2 years and i have one friend that we dont even hang out its just more like aquatinces and once in a blue moon we will go on a cruise, but all and all i dont mind living here, i have a way better job than i did in FL although its still not a great one, and im still adjusting to winters lol, thats why i joined this site and also 518carscene, in hopes to meet friends with the same intrest in cars as me, lol.

well joining these forums is just gonna introduce to a bunch of fucking assholes such as myself. LOL jk.

I dont know , but if you ask me… you got a much better chance of meeting new people in a tourist city vs johnstown ny. I’ve been there a few times and holly shit was it boring. I feel for ya when you say its hard to meet people out there LOL. Shit its probably easier to befriend a fucking cow out there before a human.

Ya gotta do what you gotta do for family, it is what it is. Anyways i was half joking in asking why did you move here… everyone has their reasons and im not interested in questioning them.

You’ll be good just get rid of those fawking tailights.

LOL at “I want to start shooting…” I thought we were gonna have a situation here!

im down whenever your free… And I meant beat the shit out of it for the camera and if it blows up fuck it kinda thing… Body is mint, just kinda wanna blow it up so i can justify throwing a 6 bolt in it.

hell yea hahahaha that would be epic we deff have to get up about that lmfao

hahahahaha i got the OEM ones all ready to be put in:P i dont know what owner put that ugly shit on, and yea johnstown is dead lol last night i went to get a pizza at hess like 2am and i didnt see a single car on the way there or back like wtf… lol its like after 8pm jtown closes its doors haha, in FL there was always traffic 24hr a day traffic jams

Yeah Johnstown might… might be lamer than Cobleskill. :lol

at least cobiskill has a 24hr walrmart haha, we are getting one soon that means we will have a few things to do all night:o lets see walmart, mcds, hess, and DD… woooohoooo, i guess its back to trolling the internet from 10pm-4am with the ocassinal stop for food and video games lol…


move to albany or near it

If i could find a job that pays enough i most deff would!!!

start lookin and making moves, nothign is gonna come to you thats for sure… u’ll find something !

if i move there id like to go back to school 2… lol any good votech schools?

I dont know SHIT about school, wrong guy to ask. Last thing I learned in school was literature and math.

lol i hated school with a passion, but i would really like to go back to school to learn auto body

Well actions speak louder than words, but sometimes a nice fart does the job

hahaha couldnt have said it better myself!