i was at the junk yard today.... and look a camaro

sorry to hear if thats true… life outside of albany is wonderful, i dont know why i ever came back.

dick what i ever do to you

ha, i was looking at mullet pictures and saw a blonde kid with a mullet, and you have a gen 3 f body. so i couldnt help it… forgive me…

no this is johns kid…not mullet related

sexy, atleast you dont have teeth like this, or have to wake up next to that… eek


unibrow and the HUGE pimple right smack dab in the middle

jesus fucking earthworm on her forehead

john is your oldest a headbanger?

if he aint were gonna teach him the good ways lol

yes he is…he does it in the camaro

travis as a girl

i look at things like this heres my chart

i didnt want to say it, but i knew i could lead you to it


fuck it i dont care



no matter what travis does, or doesnt do, a thread ends up being about him, its great :banana

all you will get out of trav is this…

thats horrid lol but so funny

mm, yup. :wow
