i was told to make this thread... how do i get into SRS? LOL

damn too young to be a cop and to smart also. No cop knows more than one luanguage.

I really thought I was right.

let the girl stay if she wants. Do not giver her access to SRS. She’ll get bored of the stupid comments and shit within a few days and move on like all the others

Q-q-q-q-uadra post :wow


the only redeeming quality she has is, she has tit’s and likes the yankee’s. other then that she can :gtfo

ive driven my cousins gsxr once…


no one who has ever ridden a bike says “drive” a bike

Not good enough.

Next redeeming quality, bring some female friends over here.

The post count/site traffic goes up exponentially with the amount of tease females on here. :number1

Amen to you and Silverado.

awww thanks :slight_smile:

Including your dirt star which rumor has it sbardy wants to see it still.

Bet shes psyched we saw her ass.

Thats a start…

but idk if thats enough…Vlad what do you think? lol

edit: damnit I cant keep up with this thread!

honestly, girls are cunts and i hate them. all of my girl friends would be like, omg ew why are you on there thats so weird. so that wont happen.


oh whatever.

They have a solid point

Didnt z06 buddy throw up some pics of butt and covered boobs?

I think she has potential for being a back seat warmer. All the other ones I’ve had moved to different states over the years.

Damn, you’re somewhat redeeming yourself here. Can’t think of many that would have stuck around even this far through the abuse.

Still you could wingman other females for us onto here. Tell them we have Paul Walker in the flesh.

This forum never ceases to amaze

pics of vagina or else you don’t have one… this smells like a set up