I win the bacon wars



there was a war? do they throw bacon at each other?

haha lol


Bacon does not believe in war. Only peace, love, and tastiness.

I clicked fuzzys avatar a while back and it did that, I was quite confused.

Haha nice.

Delicious internet bacon is such a tease.

Anybody else just lick their monitor?

baconspeed.com lol

I just spent the last 5 min watching his signature…

flawless victory

holy crap i want dennys now

Its not over until the fat lady sings!

I personally prefer Canadian bacon

3 great things Canada gave us

  • Hockey
  • Beer
  • And kick ass bacon

I just smashed my face on my monitor trying to eat it, damnit.

if you click on the bacon and drag it, you get ghost bacon

god I’m so hungry…