I wonder who the villian is in spider-man 3


yes it is VENOM!!!

zzz, old news :stuck_out_tongue:

the real trick right now is figuring out who the FOURTH villain is (yes, fourth)

  1. Sandman
  2. Venom
  3. Hobgoblin/Harry osborne
  4. ?

they announced there was going to be 4, but being very mum about #4 atm…rumor has electro being numero cuatro…

i am gonna say hobgoblin

why am i thinking… the preview i saw at the theaters showed who it was … i think electro… seems right…


but dear god i would fucking love to see carnage


fucking evil of THE evil

uhm harry osborne was the green goblin 2 in the comics

ummm sandman???

it would be AWESOME to see carnage for the 4th one

Edit: oh and…REPOST!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


That picture looks really gay.

well im sorry for the repost lol. i was on lots of valium and demeral when i posted it lol. that shit makes these hydros seem like childrens tylonal.

ha ha it so does…

“hey spida baby i’m gonna give you a little buzz”

i hope the next sidekicks are ace and gary

Research > all of you :retard:

The rumored 4th villan as of right now… Quentin Beck aka. Mysterio. And the great part about that, Bruce Campell is listed as the actor :smiley:

lol well having a life >you


sorry andy… but that made me laugh :eekdance:

wait but how can bruce campell be the actor? he has appeared in both films as cameo roles already :bsflag:

Being paid to browse the internet > you

Cameo in 3 to introduce the character, then something more in 4? :gotme:

Holy fuck.

Thats totally sick bro.

That mother f’er has the same last name as me.

So does this mean that you’re gonna become some super villan in the future? Not that you already are in some people’s eyes :wink:

LOL…silly andy…

micah does that too :lol: :stuck_out_tongue:

isnt topher grace playing venom…if so…thats going to be a pretty gay venom…i wont be able to stop thinking…“thats eric forman” :lol: