Anybody going to the states in the next while maybe get a cookie crisp group buy going?
What’s cookie crisp?
And wtf?
- Cookie Crisp
The act of sitting on your partner’s face and farting into his/her mouth. Moments later, you and your partner kiss with open mouths.We went to the Chicken Ranch, for my buddy’s bachelor party. I asked the hooker if I could get a plumpkin for $50. She said “No, but you can get a Cookie Crisp.” “Deal!” I proclaimed.
you loved my thread that much huh. glad SOMEBODY got the joke
but all jokes aside, i’m with him. bring me back some too. [-o< :run:
is this group buy for hookers or cookies.
i want both
cheaper the better
cookie crisp is a cereal only sold in the states, if no one knew what it was.
Coooooookie crisp!
It’s like eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast*. I bought 2 boxes when I was down 3weeks ago. Those are long gone now. So now I need more.
*Can be eaten during other times of the day. Just most commonly eating in the morning for breakfast.
I used to just pour milk over cookies and eat em that way.
Good for the heart too.
I’m going to the states this weekend, will see if i come across a box of em.
yea, i love cookie milk too.
yes, my cuzin is going on sunday. She was supposed to bring my buddy back a kouki but i found him one the other day. If anyone else is interested add me & we can talk it out. My cuzin is willing to bring it to the boarder
also retarded.
group buy for cerial?
and then the thread died.