IC: R32 GTS front end

Hey Son!,

So im considering to buy a GTS front clip, and i wanted to see if there were people intrested in picking up the r32 GTS front end? I dont have pictures due to the fact i didnt even buy one yet, just weighting options…
So! post up if your intrested and how much your willing to spend for a complete front end i just want the motoor and shizzz~


Irff, you’ll make money off the front end so long as it’s in good condition.

Once you have what you need post everything up on GTRC.
After purchasing my for clip for my red 240, and salvaging everything I could to sell, I made about $500-600 back.
Keep in mind my fenders, hood, bumper…etc were all in prime condition.

I also got lucky and sold the bare clip to an S1DC member who just so happened to need some of the clip areas for almost free. Saved me from having to depose of it that’s for sure.

yeah i was planning on doing that on GTRC, but i was only goign to post up there once i actually had it with pictures just wanted to know if anyone on son was in need or thinking about doing something with a GTS front end.

Honestly i willign to hook up a resonable price here on son, i dont care to make money on top of something like this.

Not a lot of people take GTS-T front ends but worth a shot.

Irff, I’d be interested pedning price. I’m pretty hot for a r32 front end on my coupe.

Nice pm a price bro ! I ain’t going grab one till about Jan?