Ice Cream cone madness

Now I’m sure being on the laptop is great, for a while being on my sidekick3 while shitting was awesome.
I just made a big ass icecream cone, you know those jumbo cups that come in the box.
I filled it with expresso chip, because I was about to sit down to a film, when I felt the urge to shit.
So my ice cream cone joined me in my duece dropping session.
I have to say, eating an ice cream cone while taking a shit is more awesome than any other food.:thankyou:


Meh, just make sure the seat is down. Or you’ll end up like me constantly :frowning:

:crap:What time is it? Oh yea, half past…GO KILL YOURSELF.

serious…what is your retarded urge to tel everyone this. It’s threads like this that are destroying this site.

Those threads inspired me to post this hahaha.

i hope the fecal matter cone tasted real good