Have you ever felt so lazy..

That you’ve considered just shitting your pants instead of getting up to go to the bathroom?

Probably just me, but it was an option a few minutes ago.


But have you ever taken such a horrible dump that you just have to take a shower afterwards?

Have ever shit in the shower and then not be able to squeeze it all down the drain with you big toe?

three posts and this thread is already going places

this thread is a waste of database storage

just like how poop is waste… :slight_smile:

so talking about waste makes this thread a waste?

ever taken a dump in a hot dog bun and gave it to your friend with ketchup and mustard on it?

shittiest thread ever

oh i see what you did there… lets hope no one runs… with it

I had that exact discussion at starbucks a few weeks ago…

Have you ever taken a dump so big your pants fit looser?


Pants feel looser and I feel much more relaxed after .

Gotta love those softball shits,feels like birth.

hahaha Everyday. In the morning I’m a 34, by 8:30am I am a 32 again.

Having a little extra spring in my step from being a pound or two lighter is how I qualify a good shit.

yea i know what you mean, it all started with post… Number 2


how’d that work out for you?


I waited until I got in the shower.

edit- damn, I should’ve re-read this thread before posting. Jeremy already beat my to it over a year ago.

you pooped in the shower?

big toe mashing it down FTW!!