Ice Hockey

Tomorrow 3/18

I’m off work because i have a dentist appointment in the afternoon. so i am going to play pickup hockey in Cranberry from 9am-11am. i think it’s like $7 to play.

Anyone interested in playing?? Bics? Smokey? BlackZ28? Dgramc?

didn’t you hear… hockey doesn’t exist in the US anymore. too bad i can’t skate good and have a job :hs:

PROFESSIONAL hockey doesnt :moon:

that would be really fun. i got to get my ZR2 aligned tomm, and im puttin a clutch in the RM. bics has shit hes doin on the GTP, i think. sorry man. next time maybe.

its cool. being scared is nothing to be ashamed of :smiley:

hahaha. u got me. i’ll admit it

i got class tomororw…or i would

I would but I got hit in the face in my game last night

Thats why i wear a facecage. no matter what

yea most of the guys have half a brain and keep the sticks down 1 younger retard always and I mean ALWAYs gets the stick up

yeah but even a puck… fuck that.

i wore a half shield when i played, i havent played in a few years, id suck now

I had a half shield before too but I took it off always fogged up even when I used the anti fog spray

it dont look like u wear any!!!:kekegay:

yep. u dont want your face to explode like Roenick