Icon Motorcycle Apparel For Sale Like New!

Hey guys I sold my bike and I have some apparel to sell, First theres a Icon IMAX2 Textile Jacket Size L, Retail is $320 Im letting it go for$180. Next is a Icon Mainframe Helmet Rubatone Flat Black with skulls, comes with clear shield, mirror shield and helmet bag, Im asking $125, bought it new only and still looks and smells new Size L. Lastly, I have a set of Icon Leather gloves with carbon fiber knuckles, which are also like new. I paid $75 for them letting them go for $45 and also size L. Here are some pics.

up to the top, someone buy this stuff its like brand new!

love the helmet. All too small for me.

Bump for ya!

Helmet is gone jacket is on ebay…http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320144226924&rd=1

Helmet is gone jacket and gloves still up for sale someone has to need this stuff its like brand new!

bump still for sale someone buy these or throw some offers out there i have no use for them…

sup? its the dude that sold you the del sol seats.

Hey whats up buddy how ya been, u buy a bike or something?