Identify this SON member!

Hey, thought it would be funny if you’ve got pics of some SON members from way back when before the driver within stepped out.

Identify this member (This is an easy one!)

hes brown and hairy

ill go with…


but this guys brown hairy and likes small white boys…

gonad for sure…


white guy looks like drifter chris kinda, (cloudzero i thinik)

that dark, smiley douche in the back looking towards the camera looks sneaky… i say its varun.

looks like Varun to me too haha

The one on the left looks like Marc, Original Nutta…


I always kinda thought Marc was :greddy:

I say Marc for sure…

well at first I was like wtf I know the guy on the left and hes not from son… and than I read your replies…

and than I thought…

bing scores 1 point, cloudzero is on the right

I score 1 point for reckognizing the dude on the left and spotting his pic on facebook

lesson to all: dont post gay pics of yourself on facebook or you’ll get owned (i was gonna circle where thery touching each other but if it gets all over the net i’d be dead… lol dont u just hate when other people post pictures of you you never knew about… whoever shereen is, shes got balls

Dan I’m gonna kick your ass.

BAHAHAHAH now u know why i was laughing

why are you guys touching so much in that picture?

like, an arm around the back is cool, if you’re boys, but you’re also basically holding hands.


Chris, I’ll take you anyday bud!

The guy on the left is not on SON, i should have probably pointed out i was referring to the guy on the left ahhaha… Whatever, fun anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

It really says something about you when all you can think about is homosexuality… is that why you got married? To hide further in the closet?

P.S. that picture was taken when we were 12 years old.

Chris, I’m sorry…

I’m not looking forward to the revenge for this :lol:

Some of you guys hide in the closet about these things, others don’t…

Guess which SON member is gay and proud?


wow its like go find aldo in there!

he looks mad and seems like he’s gonna rape the 2 ppl that are upfront. it would have been perfect if those 2 ppl up in the line were guys.

looks like an angry rapiest ROFL