Ieatpaint's 06 zx10r

everybody’s doing white =( i like crazy colors on bikes, still looks good though =)

MR. Ieatpaint your bike looks great.

looks great. we gotta ride this year

I have my wheels pc and the only problem is the brake dust… every couple days u have to wipe them down… Good looking bike…

sexy :slight_smile:

Thanks. I forgot how retarded the bike is when I took it out for the first time in almost a year. Couldnt get outta 1st w/out breaking the speed limit, lol. Bike feels just insane because it’s been so long, gonna take a little bit to get used to the speed again haha.

hey what did you use to black out your lights ?? im trying to black out my black 10r so just wondering

VHT night shades, came out like shit. Theres like a clear plasticy type of coating on the lens and the vht crackled on it. I’d try getting like a hobby black paint and thin it down with water, as long as its water based, and wipe it on that way. I dunno how else to do it.

i just read an article about using that stuff, it said to sand down the light covers with an 800-1000 grit paper to get that coating off. Ill see if i can find the link, where did you buy the stuff?

found the link

Yeah, tried that, didn’t work. Maybe I didn’t sand enough but I used 400 grit then 800. I bought it from pep boys.

professional shops use clear mixed with black to achieve the blacked out effect. Its a very common theme down here for tails, and the visibility is HORRID during the day…

i stared at it each time i went on a road test the day you rode to work last week. looks good.

Thanks dude! Gotta be better than lookin at my multi colored civic, haha.

well i finished the black out they turned out pretty good id like to see yours in person to check out how good they came out here’s mine:

^love everything BUT the slashcut exhaust…

how invisible is light through the tinted tails?

DUDES LAMINEX IS WHERE IT’S AT DUHHHH. It’s a UV protectant film and comes in multiple shades. IMO it produces a much cleaner final product.

PS: Those tails look wayyyy to dark. I’d hate to see some stupid bitch on her cell phone smash into you because she couldn’t see you braking.

Holy cow them bitches are black! How many coats was that? Did you put a clear over them after?

its kind of dark during the day but at night you cant even tell. and its not just a slash cut, its a fully tune able gp exhaust, not one of those cheap jardines or who ever makes them.

i only put 3 coats on, yes i did

I can still read the plate in the reflection, lol

heh yea i know, but if I blured that out you wouldnt be able to see the tail light