Photoshop gurus chime in. Bike crew...ehh, I guess you too..

So I am thinking about refinishing the wheels on the 636 for this season, I need to get the front wheel mounted once and my thought is that while I have the front off getting mounted, I’d get the rear off as well and paint em both up.


Right now I’m considering painting them silver to match the body or going with white.

Can someone photoshop me a picture of both silver and white that way I can get an idea of whether or not I go through with it?


white. silver will look really meh and boring

White wheels are REALLY hard to keep clean.

I like the black, but how do you feel about gold possibly?

bronze would look hot, some of it already on the bike.

And You didnt come to me directly with this…why ? HaHa I’ll do it in the morning.


Haha I was going to ian, and I don’t like the gold/bronze on silver I saw it at heblers once and it was meh. I wash the bike everytime I ride it so keeping it clean isn’t a worry

:word: x2… if its not done by tom. night ill give it a whack

OT in my own thread but did you ever get your bike back together Paulo??

Negative. I start crying and sobbing whenever I start to work on it.

Soon, though.

Before I do anything I’ll inject my opinion, Yes ive seen the gold on silver…wasnt a fan, and I dont think silver on silver will help your case either, and White on silver ? IDK man That just sounds all kinds of wrong. It may be getting old, but your current color combo seems to make the most sense to me, the only when colors that I have ever seen on silver cars and such that have worked are black, natural finish and maybe like an anthracite, IMO though

Thank you for proving my point sir :tup:

:barf: X100000000

Yuck on the silver. Might as well chrome it and put corn rows in your hair.

He might do DAT anyway

…I kinda like it lol.

I just want something different lol, black on silver is proven, but boring lol

Paint the bike white, or pink

go outrageous if your looking for change.


do yellow like on my bike!

photoshoping now, will post mine soon