Here is what is/was going on…
Alright, I never meant to cause drama. Just to gather a hands on experience of what people go through.
I am sorry, if you guys hate me but when it comes down to it… grades > people on the internet’s feelings.
As you may know school is back in session, and my first assignment for sociology is to put yourself in a situation you have never been in before. And while thinking about it…you need to write your experiences down, before and after…and the different ways you are treated…before, during and after.
Then you are supposed to come up with a generalized theory on why people acted the way they did towards you in this situation.
Well we were only supposed to think about it. And assume.
Well myself and my assignment partner (the girl in the photos) came up with the idea of actually putting ourselves in the situation.
We told our parents, siblings, and close friends we are having a kid together. And sooner or later told them it was for school. (My mom nearly had a heart attack).
Today we went shopping for kids stuff, and told cashiers and assistants at Kids R US, Toys R Us, etc etc we were having a kid. And we had to document changes in their behaivor.
We even went to a frat party (which i hated) and analyzed peoples reactions to us having a child.
I figured i would put it up on here, just to see how people I know, but am not close with…would react. And so far its going excellent. Besides for the people who have caught on.
i have told numerous board members what is going on. its more of less the complete strangers’ opinions i am looking for.
i was going to let this go for another couple days just to get more reactions etc etc…i was also going to make an apology thread explaning and showing what i have discovered.
I hope you understand and aren’t mad. Its just that it seemed like a good idea.
my teacher wasn’t thrilled with the idea, until i showed him the outcome this morning. HE LOVES IT.
so this has really helped myself, and this girl out tremendously.
again, sorry and thanks…at the same time.