If Beck is lying, what will we do to him?

dick. my grandpa wont fit in these diapers and i lost the receipt.

2 and a half 3 months late for me… even with the preggers tests being false… its really fucked…

this was with a fuck buddy, whom i never met her parents… and he father is fucking SCARY

shit yeah.

that was my intention all along. and then it took a big turn for the worse, when the Ban stick was being unsheathed.

honestly…this is one of the best things i have done academically ever. my teacher was astonished at the responses, and she said i definitely had some good friends on here who look out for me.

which is why im hoping these good friends i have, will just vote for a stupid custom title.



i met this girl at the town ballroom, and spent one night with her.

my vote is for someone else to get this girl pregnant and you have to deal pretend its your child with the parents… much more realistic

edit: and much better results to write about

the one that blew you in the bathroom the night you met her? haha

i told liz and frank… they were shocked. my mom wanted me to ask you if you need anything.


wow, i actually thought u were telling the truth…haha but you should not be punished at all…well (a funny title would be funny) but that took some thought! good job i give you a A+

yes that was her.

and tell liz and frank i am sorry for unsettling their thoughts about me. and ill be over for dinner soon.

i miss you jam. if i get a good grade on this paper…we are going out drinking!

:word: It helps when the people involved have a good positive attitude about the situation and both families are very supportive and are willing to help out in any way possible. It doesn’t have to be 100% hell.

No oppinion,(i dont belive in sex before marrage) but I voted to just give a custom title.

  1. glad to hear you’re life isnt shit canned
  2. im glad i really didn’t care either way, you’re life you’re decision (no offense meant at all)
  3. it actually was a pretty clever idea…especially with this drama filled place

im sure the teacher fucking loves it…good work dude…

thumbs way the fuck up dude… random one night stands, hook ups and fucked up “why the hell not” relationships cause soooo much stress and problems. That i wish i took this choice a long time ago…

believe me i could easily do away with the

“I TOOK a whole bottle of pills, i want to be back together” - thank god that was amoxicillin, and she is a fucking idiot

find the right girl man its much more worth it… and sex does lose its luster, the less you have it the more it will mean/feel to you

i voted (fucked up title) gl with school beck u better get a good grade after all this lol see ya around

Are you fucking kidding?

I hope you get banned, beck. I dont give a shit if I like you in person or not, youre a fucking loser in terms of nyspeed, to me.

If you died in a car accident tomorrow, I would be a little sad in reality, but on here I would use this icon :lol: .

Nyspeed is not your little “experiment” to get a rise out of people for a project. You should be banned. If you are not banned, then the moderators on this forum have failed miserably.

…for 1 grade on one project in one class?

i dont really know you so it didnt particularly effect me at all, but from what i gather you lied to a lot of your good friends…

even if you do get an a+, i hope you dont need that much help academically… no one is going to believe you next time something serious happens.


I knew something was up when you said her due date was May 10.
I guess no one else did the math.

Why is this such a big deal? Is Beck the first person to lie on the internet?

So glad i stayed out of all this mess.

It’s kind of like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, you can only push it so far before people stop listening. Unfortunatly, as a result no one will probably ever believe you if you post about anything bad.

And the fact that this isn’t the first time you have done something like this made me lean towards ban. After reading the reason why it is a pretty ingenious idea, but I still think ban although for 3 months instead of permaban like I voted.

Seriously though that was pretty shitty, and your pretty lucky you were even given a chance to explain yourself especially give past events. Regardless…

3 month ban

the boy who cried wolf… :wink: i couldn’t tell if you were lying or not, but yeah. going to be a little harder to tell now from this. good idea though, lol i knew you weren’t that silly

edit----son of a bitch fuzzy, lol. but yeah, agreed.