If its one of you- stop the shit

chopped it up

Not happening. Ive got alot more invested.

And wtf is with that pic?

its a huge manatee.

I still cant believe you dont hear, or see anything. do you live in a cave?

He is a caveman

the matchboxes hanging all over his walls act as sound deadening most likely :tongue




You’ll probably come out to find them blind folded and hog tied in the back of your truck the next day

ok, peanut butter jellies, ill come clean, its me man, ive been doing it after i get off work. i work down in arbor hill and those welfare takers throw out some crazy stuff, so ive been using my buddies 2500hd, and hitting up your place around 4am. sorry dude.

I may or may not have accompanied him

a toilet then a sleigh…whats next???..you would thnk this fuckers have something better to do…doesn’t anyone go to church anymore?

we’ll see what treats are left on the side of livingston ave in arbor hill.

I sleep soundly apparently. Always have.

Really Ive got a hard time believing you. Im actually surprised you didnt say Obama did it.

obama did it

I voted for him so I dont think he’d do that to me.

it was tito, junk gsr and the spoon la SOON

I see youre still tied up in the “yes we can”. Well Paul, NO YOU CANT!!

Everytime u admit that I promise to drop one more thing in your truck. Really.

Hey PJB what if we got you a stripper to ease the pain these perps are causing you.

CHANGE!!! :ahh