If its one of you- stop the shit

I have done this before. Just with frozen paintballs

I’ve been next for weeks. Where have you been? lol. At the end of the day…I don’t give a shit. I sleep just as good with or without this crap happening. I might get bothered or offended briefly but in the end they are just wasting their time harping on me.

But seriously, I don’t know what is wrong with these people.


Some people think it’s fun to aggrivate me and get a kick out of it. :shifty

Someone needs to let PJB borrow the CSBS cutter.

Paul did you catch the perps yet

jaime!!! hahahah

LOL those were the days

or how about when me and scott watched dan fuck that girl. aahah we climbed the fucking trees and watched the whole thing. twas sooo funny.

Oh man I forgot about that. Was that at Johnnys?

hahaha Briggs over in Niskayuna. I remember that one.

I played paint ball a little bit, and I know that a good barrel, the paintball is rather tight in their, so much that they wont roll out. If a paint ball freezes, and expands how the hell does it even shoot out? I allways thought that was a myth.

google searching frozen paint balls now. :rofl

EDIT… I guess you can. And you can be aressted becasue they are solid projectiles, and at that point are considered a weapon and assult. there was an article in NJ where kids got arrested for it.

NO NO he actually had to remind someone that this is the reason we dont want to go have a “lot” out in Berne :ohnoes

And on another note…the tires in good shape? The binders and papers = great firewood…and the tires…if theyre not shot sell em be like brand new never used lol. Hopefully it IS someone on here so theyll get desperate to keep pranking you and start putting NICE shit in there by accident hahaha.

Might be good if I didnt have to work in the morning. Bad enough I was tired all day today at work because I only had about 5 hours of sleep.


Honestly I didnt look at the tires other than noticing they didnt match. I chucked them onto the lawn and went to work and my dad got rid of them and the mattress when I was working. We threw the other shit out on garbage day.

And BTW, Im not 36. Dont make me feel older than I already feel. Im 27.
Im also not a pedophile. I dont know how that shit started but its definately not true. I would never touch a kid.

Paul did you set up survillance yet?

You should sleep in the tent one night and try and catch these night owls

Maybe I will

working on that

anymore suprises left for you?

wonder which clown has too much time on their hands???

oh yeah, frozen paintballs shoot just fine. trust me.

paul you should get those fake cameras that the lil red light blinks, prolly your best bet to catch these rats