If its one of you- stop the shit

5 star thread, GL catching the perps, paul


but then everybody here would know theyre fakes.

Or would they? :ninja

How would fake cameras help him catch them? They are fake, as in, don’t record anything.

I think it was a joke

to scare em off


Paul you need to think with your dipstick

paul ever think of getting a bed cover?

problem solved :slight_smile:

My luck the shit would just get thrown on top of it.

Ive thought about getting one but just dont have the extra money for one right now.

It was me… sorry PJB, Il stop

ok ok, it was me. i hardly leave my house but sometimes when i’m feelin naughty i load the beater up w/ shit i dont need anymore and drop it in your driveway/truck for fun.

Now i feel bad…

swifty ,ya bangin on nasty mattress now ha?

ya thats how i get down

Somebody seriousy needs to get a life. Today there was a vacuum in the bed of the truck.

Grow the fuck up and get a life already.


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

lmao… i didnt need that hunk of junk! Thought maybe you could use it to clean the bed out or something, jesus man im just trying to help…

:rofl :rofl :rofl did it work atleast?

:rofl it should work… i didnt need it anymore cuz i bought a new one.