If its one of you- stop the shit

the matteress at the local bumb hangout have been dis apeering ,esp the one used for the crackwhore gangbangs ,they said it was all pissy ,and loaded wit giz…pretty nasty id burn my shit if it was in my car

wtf this is too funny lol

no. they refuse to pay and skipped out on probation as well. NYS courts are handling it for me. i have a NYS attorney doing work, someday ill see some money, or the father will go to jail. whatever.

If it’s pissing you off that much you need to come up with an idea to get them back when they’re doing it. Figure out a way to set something up when they’re placing shit in your truck, something gets dumped on them or they get knocked over or something. Watch the Home Alone movies to get some ideas. You seem like a bright guy.

ice your driveway!


sleep in the bed of ur truck, i’m sure u’ll wake up when they throw something in there.

or just sleep on your porch or something with your door open im sure youll hear some kind of noise

  1. I dont think this actually happened, i think pjb wants pitty rep points. PICS or it didnt happen.
  2. If it did happen its probably noone on here

Yea no one gets fucked with this much and just sits there like a tard

Yeah I’m going to have to agree, does anyone on here even know where he lives

While all of this is remarkably funny, I just don’t think it’s real.
+1 for pics or it didn’t happen.

i think he just gets drunk at night and goes and picks up random shit in the middle of the night, and sees it in the morning and goes “WTF?!” and posts about it on here so ppl least suspect him for taking the garbage.

and he lives in Rotterdam apparently.

wow dave looks like you kno alot about pjb? and where he lives… hmmmmmm


Contributing Member

Join Date: May 2008
Location: Rotterdam, NY

he said he drinks… so i’m just covering all the bases.

I got a couch with your truck bed’s name all over it :ninja

dooo it you wont

Its prolly Travis emptying out his parents trailer. I heard he won a poker game online and is movin on up.


i talked to pjb earlier ,to see if he was rollin to test -tune tonight he said he got a shitter an a bumper cover or sutton like that last night said his old man called the po-9 about it now ,seein as its just nasty …i guess whoever it is will calm down now fuckin giant 8 yr olds what the fuck i mean really what posses someone to do this

I bet its one of his neighbors he pissed off .