wow… still pics or ban!!
these kids are outta there minds… holy shit.
im still calling BS, me thinks peanut jelly butters is making it up, its too stupid to be true.
post pics or it didnt happen
Idk though its funny but i feel bad for pjb. He didnt do anything. I would be pissed off too.
Ive got some on my camera but havent uploaded them yet- I just got home a bit ago
Honestly I rarely drink anymore. That was going back over 4 years when I used to drink alot more.
I actually get along with just about all of my neighbors and havent done anything to piss them off. The only one thats a dick is an old guy down the road thats a dick to everybody. My two next door neighbors have lived in their houses longer than my family has.
Give me a bit. I took a few this morning. I dont bullshit about dumb shit like this and Im not bullshitting about being really pissed off. I was shaking with anger this morning.
Is there garbage pickup where you live?
Yes. I dont live in the middle of nowhere.
OK… im just gonna go ahead and say it. PJB… making this thread and complaining about it is just exacerbating the situation.
Well it just proves how childish some people really are.
Sure I can be immature at times (we all can be) but I dont do shit like this.
Would I be correct if I said that you never had any older brother’s or sister’s?
Im the oldest. How is that relevent?
Exactly… you never learned how to deal with a dickhead older brother. Il explain it from my point of shoes, when my brother use to fuck around with me I would only get more and more pissed off. This would cause him to continue doing what he was doing, once I got some sense in me I stopped reacting to his annoying ways and by not reacting, I took all the fun out of his shennanigans.
PICS PJB? i dont think your full of shit but i cant belive all of that shit was in your truck
Dude I feel bad some one is being a dick but do some thing about it man
I suppose you could be happy there wasn’t shit in the toilet?
I figured you to be a Dr. Pepper guy, not Mountain Dew.
Actually I dont drink soda at all. I havent had one in a few years. I did drink alot of Dr. Pepper back in the day though.
There was nasty water in the shitter.
damn u werent lyin. what you gonna do with all that shit?
There was stuff still in the toilet? WTF