agreed! why did he not just drop to the next basket?
Because he is a moron who already got him dumbass into that situation to start with…
That’s the whole point of Darwinism.
Low mental capacity = should be weeded out out of the gene pool.
Parents stupid enough to let him ride a ferris wheel and he, for any reason, should not be left alone to do so = gene line should end itself.
If you can’t successfully circumnavigate a trip around a ferris wheel, chances are you’re not going to survive many years facing things like crosswalks, bodies of water deeper than you are tall, or electrical sockets (all in separate situations, of course).
i found it odd that it looked like no one was in a hurry to help
I do a bit.
@0:21 Take a look!!! Hey, Hold on Tight
@0:30 Is he going to ride like that all the way?
@0:32 He is a Moron
@0:36 come here.
@0:40 Maybe he can pull him self up.
@1:06 What a dumb ass, unbelievable
@1:11 Hold On Tighter!!!
@1:21 I don’t think his hands can keep a grip for long
@1:24 Holy Fuck!
@1:28 more cursing
I hope i got the translation right.
oh my.
this vid sucks.