if you hated amusement park rides before...

you’ll hate em more now.

happened in russia i guess, kid falls about 1:07 in, it says he climbed out of his seat, but still, that sucks.


What a bunch of scumbags. Laughing? I mean really?


that’s fucked up…



  1. If you climb out of the seat, it’s Darwinism
  2. Why didn’t he drop when he was over the basket below him?
  3. Why was the ride still turning?

Why did he climb out of his seat?

agreed with #1, and 2 and 3 i was wondering the same things myself

anyone speak russian?

Fucked up they were laughing but aye, how fucking dumb must you be to die from falling off a Ferris Wheel.


what’re they saying?

i don’t even see anyone actually fall

i don’t know

so confused

Did you watch the whole thing? It’s hard to miss the body tumbling though the spokes and then landing with a splat, and the camera guy running up to see it closer.

i watched it like 5x. seriously can’t see it.

I’m all for Darwinism, but this is a child, or at least appears to be. And who knows what age or mental capacity he is running at, and where were his parents? There is a good chance this kid should have never been on this ride to begin with. I doubt that shit hole of an “amusement ride” comes with strict rules. We’ve all been on ferris wheels and not being strapped down is not an issue. How the fuck was the seating set up? Or was this kid that dumb?

God, I hate seeing kids get fucked up. I am seriously desensitized to most everything, except when it comes to children. Even stupid ones. Wtf.


Looking again… Are those seats overhanging the ‘buckets?’

I bet they just had a shitty lap belt on those too. Holy shit. lol

Well designed! And what a dumbass :frowning:

In soviet Russia…

Ferris Wheel owns you!

… too soon?

I thought about it too.


All I can say is Fuck.

um it took effort to get out of the seat, then to climb over the side…odds are the kid didn’t just undo the belt and stand and whoops magically end up hanging by his arms on the side…had he fallen out, i doubt he woulda been able to catch himself like this.

i’m betting either suicide attempt (successfully), or on a dare by friends, or trying to be cool…in any event, the kid is totally at fault for his own death…


all i could think of watching the kid fall:

I have another reason: shredd and ragen were talking about birds flying into things v. the new peace bridge fiasco, and they had someone on from Darien Lake who said that someone took a goose to the face while on the first drop of the Superman last summer.