If you have facebook, Vote for my POS.

WTF! It’s clean in that pic at least. +reps will be given when my rep generator is refreshed

Voted, that thing is CLEAN

yeah I am kidding lol


I voted and now feel filthy with lies

Nice ride, one more well deserved vote given.


No thanks.

Voted, shared, rep me goddammit.

Voted, car looks good man!

Gave all the reps out I could today, more to be distributed tomorrow!

looks clean voted

voted and voted with my gf’s account.

Voted , then I got redirected to a thing saying I can’t post on ,vote on or shit on f.b cause I lost my posting privs for 3 days . I posted a racist comment and someone got pissy lol

^^ Saw that post and agreed with it :lol Those idiots posting about that damn car blew my mind…

more reps given, out again for today. I need a bigger magazine.

Vlad is to rep as nys is to guns.

Need pre-bans

Wtf i voted and got NO REP… Fuck it I’m taking my vote back

smell like beef and cheese

I didn’t get repzzz either