If you have facebook, Vote for my POS.

Like this pic for me all you mustang haters. I get a 3’x6’ banner to hang up if I win. +reps are ready



Nice. Voted. GL

Voted. Rep plz.

Repzz distributed

Voted. Love the bbs wheels

voted you slut



car sucks

<–Mustang Hater

+1’d it, car looks legit.




don’t tell me what to do

fuck you.

mustangs suck

i voted

i fucking love you man.

fuck mustangs…
kidding, please dont drunk punch me in the balls again :lol

liked it

Voted! Nice looking pic dude

+1, looks sick

Voted. One of the guys from another forum I’m on asked for votes on his car for the same contest, yours looks much better :number1

if you washed it once in a while and it didnt look like shit, I would vote for you.