If you play guitar, don't watch.

Yet another thing that Asian’s are teaching thier kids to be virtuosos on.

Holy shit…

What was he playing at the end? it sounds so familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

the whole song was canon in d

no idea how to play a guitar, but i take it that’s really hard to play huh?

comes back to this one… amazing

Canon in D is tough either way, but he is playing an Acoustic, and using a non-picking technique called touch style…very difficult even with nylon strings (he is using steel, but the technique was adopted for nylon classical guitars)

The damn kid is like 9 or less. If I ever see him on the playground, I’ll break his fingers, and steal his Yugi-oh cards.

haha then watch him break you off like one of the kids from Hostel.

i wasnt sure he was able to get that loud/crisp of a sound w/o actually picking. pretty crazy…especially w/o pickups or anything.

eeehhhh. I couldn’t do that when I was that age but Im sure this dude probably has acouple yrs of playing under his belt already. Heard alot of wrong notes and it was pretty sloppy especially the tapping part but still sick for a 9 yr old.

Speaking of asian virtuosos(spelling) anyone ever watch the one dude from dragonforce play. Im not into hair metal or people that play every solo like its the last thing people will ever hear them play but he definetly has some speed and chops.

ya herman li. he rips. hes awsome but after awhile alot of his stuff sounds the same. if you were trippin on acid and playing nintendo, thats what it would sound like. haha.

Heis an incredible guitarist for sure, but just like Satriani/Vai/Malmsteen/Stump/etc those shred guys have limited appeal due to the simple fact that musicality DOES NOT EQUAL ELEVENTYBILLION NOTES IN ONE MEASURE.

On a side note, Dragonforce would be unstoppable if the dropped the powermetal vocals and harshed it up a bit. I grow tiresome of hearing hair metals singers that sound like they are mid-castration.

Check this guy’s stuff out. Two guitars at once, touch playing your favorites.


dude that zach kim is amazing. simpsons canon zelda all amazing. i wish i had the talent in his right pinky. amazing

totally disagree.

dragonforce is awesome because of the cheesy triumphant metal sound.

on a side note to the side note, it is impossible to drive the speed limit when the bpm is that high.


I love breaking out the dragonforce cd’s every now and then.

I concede, it is good cheese. And face melting solos definately lead to that good old “well the pedal just tapped the firewall” feeling.

def cool, but like i was saying, its so crazy that it all starts to sound the same after a few songs. id rather listen to actual old-school Anthrax or something before Dragonforce. both are cool tho.