if your bored

kill some time…play this game



why you shakin your finger at me?? teehee :squint:

i’m guessing it one of those games that something scares you in the middle of level 2 or 3.

nah just something i found while bored at work :wink:


i thought this was gonna be naughty pics or something cool…im dissappointed.


thanks, i now have sharded myself

i just sitting here laughing after it scared the living shit out of me. i think i just knocked 4 years off my life. that was insane… best one yet

got my girlfriend with is real good…scared the shit out of her

Sexy VW diva? if one is going to make such claims with one’s username, one should most assuredly post pics to prove aforementioned claims.

this is a game i love



im a big fat emo girl


damn that scared the fuck outta of me…damn i still see that fucking face man thats a good one.lolol

Mmmmmm Thats hot

Big fat emo girls scare the fuck outta me too. Shudder…