ihatestickers first annual TOUR DE CARLISLE 2011!!!


We are planning the greatest trip since your camping trip with the boy scouts. Join us on a tour of 100+ cars traveling down to the Carlisle Performance & Style show! The dates for this year are May 14-15 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. We will have a big booth in the Vendor Midway at the show this year as well as a big area sectioned off for people on the tour. All YOU have to do is register for the show and choose IHATESTICKERS.COM as the club you would like to register with.

Not close to us?? Don’t worry! Just register your car with IHATESTICKERS.COM and meet us at the show! You can still party with us, meet the team, and come to our super snky events that we’ll be holding throughout the weekend. We’ll be posting the route and more information as we finalize the details, but we need people to sign up and register their cars for the show at Carlisle!

Let us know if you’re interested and SPREAD THE WORD! The more people we can get to support ihatestickers.com at the show, the more we can do to support you guys and hold these fun events! VIVA IHATESTICKERSO!

Be sure to check our Blog for more updates! http://www.ihatestickers.com/blog/

*Carlisle Performance and Style, but I can understand the confusion, lol.

oh whoops! i should probably fix all the posts I made lol. Josh, do you guys want to get involved and I can add you guys to the tour or something.

See this thread.
