Shift518 is proud to welcome Mike and Ihatestickers to their brand new sponsor section in the classifieds!
Mike’s innovative stickers ideas can be seen all over the net in “show us your stickers” threads.
I’ve been looking at a few myself.
Mike you tell Joe King, to stop sniffing my Dogs… I know he let’s them ride in his WRX, but damn!!.. PS = Funny damn stuff!!
What does sniffing your dogs mean?
I have two dogs and Joe was sniffin them… no hidden meaning
I hear there are some new stickers in the works :ninja
was this my idea? :ninja :shifty :shifty
i got help deciding on one of the new ones today, i felt special.
Where’s the Infiniti love man? I ain’t puttin no Nismo or Nissan stuff on an Infiniti even if Infiniti is owned by Nissan.
Haha no worries. I’ll make some Infinity ones for next week