ihatestickers.com fall motorsports mania!!!!

Hey guys, we’re running a special on all of our motorsports stickers for the fall. It ends on November 14th and all motorsports stickers are 15% off. The free shipping for orders $20 and above still applies.



Check it out and let me know if you guys have any questions :yes:


Can I give you an order via PM and pick them up?

Edit: Nevermind, Webster is far. I’ll probably order a Mopar one though. :slight_smile:

I JUST ORDERED 2 STICKERS NOT AN HOUR BEFORE YOU POSTED THIS. That sucks because they were both motorsports stickers. fawk.

PM me your username, and I’ll add the 15% off in reward monies :slight_smile:


lol at the dunnville track map stickers, thats pretty cool

bought some yesterday :slight_smile:

Just wanted to let you guys know we extended this until the 21st :slight_smile: Couple days left, and a bunch of new stickers are going up today!!! :slight_smile:

You got any Volvo stickers?

like a logo?