IIHS: 09 Malibu vs 59 Bel Air crash

pretty damn cool

Great post.


Cool video.
I’m buying a '59 Bel Air.

holy shit the Malibu windshield didnt even break

belair crumpled like a tin can!

lol look at the hood on the 59 not even touched.

waste of a 59 chevy, one of my favorites

pretty cool vid. Amazing how the saftey has been stepped up since then.

i know :frowning: looked like it was in decent shape too

Damn X frame cars will get ya every time.

that would result in a major loss of life if the belair was filled up. lap belts upfront if your lucky, nothing in back. dead dead dead dead dead.

It really is nuts. Everyone always says how the older cars are sooo much heavier because of more metal, which to them directly translates into it being safer. If that metal ain’t placed in a strategic safety location, you’re fucked.

Crazy crash, that’s front impact though, I wonder about side impact.

Related video:

^ Very niice

holy fuck!

Same here, I love the '59’s. Sad to watch that video.
Did anyone see the '59 ElCamino at ADK Nationals with the original paint and “Kennedy for president” bumper sticker still on the back bumper?
