IIHS 25% offset crash testing vs. Volvo XC60

Good article on why the 25% offset test is necessary:

Or just good press Volvo.


What a poor rating looks like:



Oh geez. It looks as if the Volvo reflects off the impact on an angle before the impact wall goes though the firewall into the drivers seat. The others just keep going straight.

I noticed that too. I looked into crash testing a while back and other than 2 frame rails that run inboard of the wheels on most cars there is nothing solid until the passenger compartment. It made me wonder if a fairly small design change would significantly improve the safety.

seeing the volvo crash also made me wonder why the brakes are not automatically applied in the event of a airbag deployment. lets be honest once your bags go off you are no longer in control of a vehicle so the ABS system (assuming it is not destroyed) has the ability to lock the brakes ON to prevent the vehicle from rolling back into oncoming traffic at a intersection.

edit: HA at 6:10 you can see the RR wheel lock solid once the bags deploy. I wonder if this is a action by the computer or a fluke

that lexus got destroyed

I see this as THE justification for going from a minimum 6 point cage to an optional 8 point with those two attachment points at the fire wall by the clutch dead pedal.

I would rather die in any other car then drive a Volvo.


I still don’t like the non-deformable barrier test. I guess it’s ok if you expect to be crashing into a large tree or cement highway divider but I’m more concerned with other idiots crashing into me.

When that other idiot crashes into you it’s a whole different physics problem because the mass of car A vs car B comes into play, as well as the amount car A will deform car B and vice versa. This is where the large car has a real advantage over a small car but those advantages don’t really play out in the non-deformable barrier test. In the non-deformable barrier test the large car automatically starts out with a disadvantage because it’s greater mass traveling at the same speed equates to more impact force.

Or to put it in pictures:

Both those cars do great in the non-deformable barrier test. Which would you want to be in when they hit each other?

lol that Smart got fucking TOSSED

Let me elaborate on my response. The only way your Volvo XC60 will ever be involved in a crash is if someone goes careening into your local Volvo service department as that is where it will forever be. They are the biggest piles of shit with no redeeming qualities. I could go on but according to this site, an S60R is the second coming of Christ/Buddah/Vishnu.


Thank you for posting that clip, it’s better then porn.