Ike vids and picts! sucky


I cant even begin to list the reasons why NY sucks.

I was in Houston a few years ago visiting some family. Gorgeous area but god awful hot/humid. My ada was talking to his brother today (my uncle…obviously), and he was sayin the weather was really bad. didnt get any details really. I’ll have to ask my old man tomarrow.

storm surge: 4 1/2 stories
car park: built on a sinkhole thats just starting to form
you: fucked

Kristen’s brother lives in Katy, Texas (outside Houston) - all schools have a hurricane day today…hopefully he will get some sweet pics.

The fact that schools have “Hurricane Days” deters me from living there already.

Just live in Dallas, we just get a bunch of leftover rain from these storms.

i’m skeptical that this was intentional…

But I can list the reasons about Texas.

Have at it. I’m curious.

I’ve lived in texas for about a year… The only thing I missed was the trees and general Green color…

Move to the Northern suburbs of houston that is taken care of… Lake Conroe Kicks ass! If I had the money I would move there in a heart beat

Ewww, thats such a shitty bid

I hate Houston with a passion.

Guys, just ignore him. He ate too many paint chips as a kid.

404 … i ahh dont see any pic

I know right… you better snag your camera and take some siq pictures of this storm rolling in…

…and your corvette catching air

So…I hear It was only a storm level 2.


You mean “is”

And it is expected to intensify to a low level 3 Hurricane with a 20-25ft. storm surge.

Poor Galveston is going to get the shit kicked out of it.

i dont even care if they are semi shitty pic i just want something to look at here

yeah I think I will take a snow storm over a hurricane.

I don’t have a computer right now per say. I am using the computer in the hotel lobby to post. I am supposed to be getting my laptop Monday, but I don’t know if they will ship it with this storm. I might be able to use my work computer though.

It is very boring now, as I am in the northern subs of Houston… aka The woodlands.

I was so bored I went out and recorded myself doing a burn out in the rental car.

I will be taking pictures of the entire storm so just hold on a little.

The parking ramp should protect my car enough, do to the fact that the storm surge will never hit Houston.

I am really excited for this, it is like a snow storm only 298374923652398562348572 times better!

If the car gets totaled, I will just buy a brand new Zo6, and swap the motor/tranny rear sub frame into an old camaro or an S-10 or something.

If it does get totaled I hope it flies, that would be a crazy ass vid lol.