I'll give someone a cookie if...

…they can find the following spec for a base model Geforce2 (Or any variation for that matter).

The spec being the number of flat-shaded polygons it can render per second.

Gouraud/textured polygons do not count. I had an interesting idea for a game, that might be quite fun due to it’s easy of customizability just wanted a base number for some requirements, but I can’t seem to find this specification as they stopped measuring flat-shaded count awhile ago.

I was planning writing some concept applications in to see if it would work tonight. Maybe see if anyone would be interested. :slight_smile:

Plus the free cookie if someone can find that answer for me. :tup:


I said GeForce2, not Sega Genesis. :stuck_out_tongue:

daym… i tried to zap you :slight_smile:

No cookie for you!

Cant helpu there…but on a side note i saw u drive by Taffys last nite

4-door hotness ftw. :tup:

And I still can’t seem to find the answer. Not even for a voodoo3/tnt2 generation of cards.:frowning:

no its 1007.2

No cookie, hell even a sega 32x can do a few thousand more than that. The newest thing I can get an accurate value on is an N64 which did 1.5 million. Beyond that everything else is textured+other effects.

I did learn sony likes to over inflate their specs though. By quite a lot. :open_mouth:


Nifty Nvidia tech support was sweet enough to find the answer for me at 25-35 million. :smiley:

25-35million? thats a huge gap, does it depend on the complexity of the calculation or are their chipsets that random?

Varying chipsets, they had probably 4 or 5 variations of it remember.