I found this while surfing newegg
this is the most ridiculous graphics card I have ever seen, If only I had money to piss away.
What kind of massive PS would you need if you wanted to SLI this beast, and would the graphics be better/smoother than RL?
I am surprised it’s only $560. Nice card for gaming for sure!
i have 2 of these in my box.
SLI rules.
oh, and i have a 800 Watt PSU
damn :tup: if I only had that kind of cash to waste 
We live on our own, that’s why we can’t have those kinds of toys… 
lol, i didnt pay for it directly… i traded my mountain bike for my new computer…
2x nvidia 3400 in SLI mode
2 gigs of ram
P4 at 3.2 ghz
dvd combo drive
500 gig hd space for now
more USB slots then i can count
and a 800 watt PSU
oh and a custom water cooling system done by frozenCPU.com its fun to game on 
lol true… one of the reasons I’m driving a buick aswell

so u game with a quattro card huh?
sorry but open gl cards are not gaming cards, im curious to see how these run with games.
basically these cards are comparable to a 6800 GT card, so for about 1/2 that price u could of had a true gaming gard in SLI
quattro does work well with solidworks tho, as thats what these line of cards are primarily made for.
I have a mountain bike collecting dust where can I get a set up like that for it